
Hi Mate! Third of gay engineers hide sexuality from colleagues.

Hi Mate! Third of gay engineers hide sexuality from colleagues.

One in three gay, lesbian, bisexual and 


(LGBT) engineers hide their orientation from their 

colleagues, new research suggests.

THE SURVEY by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) found around 34 per cent of the 356 respondents had not come out at work compared to 45 per cent who had, but that 46 per cent wanted to be more open about who they were. 
While less than eight per cent of respondents reported DISCRIMINATION by colleagues because of their sexuality, almost 18 per cent felt it had created barriers to career progression.
Reasons for keeping their sexuality secret included the fear of backlash from colleagues: 
‘I have tried hinting to colleagues about my orientation, but this has only resulted in me becoming a laughing stock,’ said one respondent.
Others felt that senior management would not approve of their sexuality:
‘You do sometimes hear homophobic remarks by senior managers. This does not send a reassuring message.’
However, some felt that being open about who they were was not relevant to their JOB role and they did not want to make others feel uncomfortable.

The new SURVEY paints a mixed picture for sexual minority engineers that differs somewhat from other professions. 
For example, a survey by the Architects’ Journal found far more respondents (74 per cent) were comfortable being out at work but 20 per cent reported experiencing offensive comments.
IET president Barry Brooks told The Engineer that THE SURVEY was an early snapshot of life for LGBT engineers. 
‘One could conclude there isn't a big problem but I suspect when the debate becomes more open then people will hear more about it,’ he said.
He added that examining the issue would be important to employers who wanted to address recruitment issues. 
‘This is just one of the symptoms our profession. We’re not pulling in youngsters of today … We need good publicity across the board,’ he said. ‘There’s a realisation they’re going to need to find people of all sorts to fill the JOBS.’
The experience of LGBT engineers has come into focus recently following activities by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the release of a book by former Academy president Lord Browne, who argues that a culture where LGBT people don’t feel they can come out at work can hamper productivity.
Academy diversity manager Jenny Young said: 
“[These] findings show that engineering still has a long way to travel but greater acknowledgement and discussion of the issues and barriers can only be a good thing…
’Earlier this year, the Academy held an event on LGBT in engineering as part of our STEM diversity programme. 
As stated by one of our speakers at the event, there is a big difference between tolerance and acceptance. 
Acceptance must become engineering’s aim.’

Individual difficulties:
Although the survey’s figures don’t suggest the engineering profession has an endemic problem when it comes to LGBT employees, and some respondents happily reported no negative experiences at work, other individual comments did reveal examples of difficulties people can face.
Some noted a clear decrease in casual conversations when their managers discovered their orientation, which led to less professional interaction. 
‘I was overlooked for promotions, hence my departure to another company,’ said one respondent.
Several engineers felt their careers had been hindered due to the public perception of the traditional engineer, saying the main barrier to promotion was that they didn't fit the archetypal engineering manager mould: ‘A straight man, married to a wife who is happy to look after the children while you travel,’ said one respondent.
Another, working in the defence industry, was told during an appraisal that he needed to be ‘more alpha-male to succeed in the UK defence industry’. 
Some even felt they have lost their JOBS due to DISCRIMINATION at managerial level.
Other people highlighted the difficulties of being LGBT in an industry that often required WORK ABROAD. 
‘My company has a lot of overseas opportunities; some of these are in countries where I wouldn't be comfortable being a gay person,’ said one respondent. 
‘This barrier to taking opportunities could potentially hinder my career progression.’

Some of the 34 lesbian respondents still experience gender DISCRIMINATION at work, with one participant saying: ‘I don’t necessarily feel there is any explicit discrimination in terms of being lesbian,’ said one. ‘I think there are far more issues/discrimination purely related to being a woman.’
Of the 17 transgender participants in the SURVEY, many felt it was ‘not appropriate to be out’, regarding their transsexuality.
Many had experienced discrimination at work, with one citing archaic mindsets of senior management as the reason for hiding their transsexuality: ‘If I come out at work, what will that do to my prospects? I hear the sexist remarks from senior management. 
How much more will that affect a transgendered person who they have seen as male but wants to identify as female?’

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Hi Green Tip #4: Hi Size and Select Fans Near Their Peak Total Efficiency.

Even the most efficient fan models can operate inefficiently if improperly sized.Fans selected close to their peak total efficiency (pTE) will use less energy. The 2012 International Green Construction Code requires selections within 10% of peak efficiency, and ASHRAE Standard 90.1,

Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, is considering language that would require a 15% allowable range. If a fan is selected to operate more than 15 point below its peak efficiency, it is probably undersized to result in the lowest purchase price (first cost). The smaller, less-expense fan will have to run much faster with higher levels of internal turbulence than its larger cousin to meet the required air flow, thus consuming a lot more energy.The cost difference to select a larger fan closer to peak operating efficiency is very small when compared to the energy saved.

Simple payback for 10% selections is usually less than one year. Smaller fans operating faster will also require more maintenance and earlier replacement. Smaller fans generate more noise as well.Below is a table showing the output from a fan manufacturer's sizing and selection program. All of the fans in the table would "do the job" of providing the required airflow at the required pressure.

The fan sizes range from 18-inches in diameter to 36-in. Notice that as the fan diameter increases, the fan speed decreases, as does the fan power (expressed as "brake horsepower"). The red region of the table indicates poor fan selection practice - none of these fans have an actual total efficiency (at the airflow and pressure required) within 15 points of peak total efficiency. The green region indicates proper fan selection process - all have an actual total efficiency within 15 points of peak total efficiency.

Note that the 30-in. diameter fan consumes roughly half the power of the 18-in. fan. The lowest cost fan shown is probably the 20-in. fan, with an efficiency of 49%, 29 points off the peak. If this fan runs 6,000 hours per year at a utility rate of 10 cents per kwh, it will cost $4,300 a year to operate. A more efficient selection might be the 24-in. fan because it is "Class I" and complies with both ASHRAE 90.1 and the Green code requirements. It has an actual efficiency of 69%, 10 points less than the peak efficiency of 79%. This fan would cost $3,100 to operate, which is probably more than the fan itself costs. A more efficient 30 inch selection is only 1 point from its peak efficiency of 83% and will consume only $2,600 per year, saving $500 a year relative to a 24-in. fan, and $1,700 a year over the lowest cost fan. Generally, the difference in initial cost of the most efficient fan selection is paid back in less than 5 years over more common less efficient alternatives. Perhaps this observation will bring it home.

Most fans consume more each year in energy cost than they are worth. So, when you buy a fan, think of it as a liability, not an asset. Your objective should be to make the liability placed on those who will pay future energy bills as low as possible. The leverage implicit in choosing a larger, more efficient fan is much greater than most people appreciate. And fans last a long time – 20 years plus – so choose wisely.The bottom line is this. Right-sizing a fan can yield energy savings and generate a lot of operating cost savings for the facility owner or occupants for many, many years.

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